Our journey this year, with CANDACE, as previously stated, is an exploration of our identity as women in Christ. Understanding who we are, and more important who God says we are, is the key to peace as we move forward in our faith.
One essential part of who we are is our names. Some of our parents were very intentional about choosing our names; while others weren't even sure of what they meant. All of our names have meaning. As we learn the meanings of our names, it often unlocks very interesting parts of who we are, and who we are becoming.
What does your name mean?
Over the next few months, this blog will attempt to unlock the meaning of our group's name, CANDACE. We have begun with the C, which stands for COURAGEOUS. If you have noticed, all the messages this month have visited the meaning of what it means to have courage as a Christian woman. Next month we will begin to look at the N, which stands for NOBLE (or nobility) that focuses on our royal characters and integrity as women in Christ.
Please continue on this journey with us and let us know, through your comments, what you think about your courage and your nobility.
Views of the Courageous And Noble Daughters Advancing Christian Excellence Women's Ministry of FACC
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Courage to Surrender
Ephesians 3:20 says,
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..." King James Version
"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--" Amplified Bible
"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." - The Message
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..." King James Version
"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--" Amplified Bible
"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." - The Message
If God can to do ALL of THIS, why don't we let Him?!
Do we believe Him?
Do we know He loves us and promises NEVER to leave us?
Do we think it has something to do with whether or not we deserve it?
Why is surrendering to His way so difficult?
Why do we give FEAR such a large space in our lives?
Why is resting in Him so hard?Surrender takes courage. Believing takes courage. Faith takes courage.
Courage is not how we feel, but the power of God to allow us to accomplish the thing(s) He has created that ONLY we can do...His purpose.
Yes, surrender is hard, but where in the Word did God promise us that this walk wouldn't be?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Getting Off of the Performance Treadmill
Speaking of courage...do you ever get afraid to just stop? Stop performing, stop doing, stop and get quiet.
In economics courses there is a term called the "treadmill of production". This term is used to describe the "hamster-on-a-treadmill" motion of how we get really busy creating more and more work for ourselves while resolving very little.
It gets like this, sometimes, for Christian women. If not careful, we can find ourselves so busy, but unable to get the output we long for.
Lately, there have been many articles and blogs published about "performing" as a Christian. This is not a favorable term because we don't like to consider what we do as performing. We call it ministry, devotion, or some other acceptable name. However, if we are honest, we have to think about some of the activities we do, and ask why we are doing it. Is it for God, or do we care (just a little more than we should) what others think about what we're doing.
How do we get off of the performance treadmill, and more into the Presence of God where we find real solutions to what we long for?
In economics courses there is a term called the "treadmill of production". This term is used to describe the "hamster-on-a-treadmill" motion of how we get really busy creating more and more work for ourselves while resolving very little.
It gets like this, sometimes, for Christian women. If not careful, we can find ourselves so busy, but unable to get the output we long for.
Lately, there have been many articles and blogs published about "performing" as a Christian. This is not a favorable term because we don't like to consider what we do as performing. We call it ministry, devotion, or some other acceptable name. However, if we are honest, we have to think about some of the activities we do, and ask why we are doing it. Is it for God, or do we care (just a little more than we should) what others think about what we're doing.
How do we get off of the performance treadmill, and more into the Presence of God where we find real solutions to what we long for?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Courage to Forgive
"But what about what THEY did?!!!"
"How can God ask me to forgive THAT?!"
"________________ doesn't deserve to be forgiven!"
"Some things can't be forgiven."
"I'm not ready to forgive."
"God is asking too much."
It takes courage to forgive. The commands given by God in Mark 11:6 and 11:25, and throughout the bible, are NOT suggestions, but calls to obedience.
God's plan for us is to conform us into the image of His Son. His Son forgave, we are to do likewise.
The goal of this comforming is not to harm us, but for us to be complete in Him.
Unforgiveness causes brokeness in us, like cracks in a vase. We don't work with it in us. We are damaged.
Forgiveness is a balm, like a "crazy glue", used to fill in those cracks. Actually, when we even show a desire to forgive, God begins to work His Potter's hand smoothing out the surface, reshaping us for His use.
Forgiveness is hard. God never promised in His Word that He would not ask us to do hard things. What we have to consider is that God will not ask us to anything He hasn't. He understands the pain that can come with taking those first steps to forgive, but He never lets us off the hook because He knows it is for our benefit.
Esau forgave Jacob
Joseph forgave his brothers
David forgave Saul
Stephen forgave his stoners
Jesus forgave you.
Ask God for the ability to forgive, and then do what He says.
"How can God ask me to forgive THAT?!"
"________________ doesn't deserve to be forgiven!"
"Some things can't be forgiven."
"I'm not ready to forgive."
"God is asking too much."
It takes courage to forgive. The commands given by God in Mark 11:6 and 11:25, and throughout the bible, are NOT suggestions, but calls to obedience.
God's plan for us is to conform us into the image of His Son. His Son forgave, we are to do likewise.
The goal of this comforming is not to harm us, but for us to be complete in Him.
Unforgiveness causes brokeness in us, like cracks in a vase. We don't work with it in us. We are damaged.
Forgiveness is a balm, like a "crazy glue", used to fill in those cracks. Actually, when we even show a desire to forgive, God begins to work His Potter's hand smoothing out the surface, reshaping us for His use.
Forgiveness is hard. God never promised in His Word that He would not ask us to do hard things. What we have to consider is that God will not ask us to anything He hasn't. He understands the pain that can come with taking those first steps to forgive, but He never lets us off the hook because He knows it is for our benefit.
Esau forgave Jacob
Joseph forgave his brothers
David forgave Saul
Stephen forgave his stoners
Jesus forgave you.
Ask God for the ability to forgive, and then do what He says.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Quotes about Courage
"Courage is moving beyond myself." CANDACE
"We must constantly build dykes of courage to hold back the flood of fear." Dr. Martin Luther King"One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We cannot be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest." Maya Angelou
"Believers, look up - take courage. The angels are nearer than you think." Billy Graham
"He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg." Chinese proverb
"When God speaks, oftentimes His voice will call for an act of courage on our part." Charles Stanley
"The fear of the Lord tends to take away all other fears... This is the secret of Christian courage and boldness." Sinclair B. Ferguson
"Do not ask for fears to be removed; ask for courage equal to the fears." Jack Hyles
"If I had my life to live over... I'd dare to make more mistakes next time." Nadine Stair
"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared." Eddie Rickenbacker
"If you play it safe in life you've decided that you don't want to grow anymore." Shirley Hufstedler
"Most people think that courage is the absence of fear. The absence of fear is not courage; the absence of fear is some kind of brain damage. Courage is the capacity to go ahead in spite of the fear, or in spite of the pain. When you do that, you will find that overcoming that fear will not only make you stronger but will be a big step forward toward maturity." M. Scott Peck
"How very little can be done under the spirit of fear." Florence Nightingale
Season of Fellowship
We often overlook the blessing of coming together, the necessity of laughter, and the reward of sharing truth face-to-face.
Last Friday night, the women of CANDACE met for their first meeting of 2011. It was a diverse group of women of different ages, marital statuses, and backgrounds. There were FACC members, neighbors, and a even guest from the Dominican Republic (with a sharp pair of boots!)
The one thing that resonates through a CANDACE meeting is the laughter! Those 2+ hours reminded us that laughter is an essential part of the life of a Christian. The laughs were silly, and may have even brought tears, but most of all they were cleansing, refreshing.
When we deal with life's tests on a regular basis, laughter is what helps to consider our trials a bit more "easy to be intreated", or reasonable. (This was a phrase that was shared with the group that night. See James 3:15).
Another theme that resonated through the night was that of pleasing God. Not the typical quest of how to please our Father, but the transforming, shackle-breaking idea that we already please Him as His children. (Read Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22) He is not waiting to condemn us for our shortcomings, but to remind us of our dependence on Him to grow in our faith.
Some might question the idea of a monthly meeting where women sit around and "just talk", but there is so much value in sharing ideas and learning from others. This time has been called a Season of Fellowship. CANDACE seeks to use this season as as opportunity to sow seeds through fellowship that will develop into mature fruit that feeds and nourishes the women of CANDACE, and beyond.
Please join us next month on the 2nd Friday of February to listen, learn, and LAUGH some more.
Last Friday night, the women of CANDACE met for their first meeting of 2011. It was a diverse group of women of different ages, marital statuses, and backgrounds. There were FACC members, neighbors, and a even guest from the Dominican Republic (with a sharp pair of boots!)
The one thing that resonates through a CANDACE meeting is the laughter! Those 2+ hours reminded us that laughter is an essential part of the life of a Christian. The laughs were silly, and may have even brought tears, but most of all they were cleansing, refreshing.
When we deal with life's tests on a regular basis, laughter is what helps to consider our trials a bit more "easy to be intreated", or reasonable. (This was a phrase that was shared with the group that night. See James 3:15).
Another theme that resonated through the night was that of pleasing God. Not the typical quest of how to please our Father, but the transforming, shackle-breaking idea that we already please Him as His children. (Read Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22) He is not waiting to condemn us for our shortcomings, but to remind us of our dependence on Him to grow in our faith.
Some might question the idea of a monthly meeting where women sit around and "just talk", but there is so much value in sharing ideas and learning from others. This time has been called a Season of Fellowship. CANDACE seeks to use this season as as opportunity to sow seeds through fellowship that will develop into mature fruit that feeds and nourishes the women of CANDACE, and beyond.
Please join us next month on the 2nd Friday of February to listen, learn, and LAUGH some more.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Books on Courage
NOTE: The books below are written from a Christian worldview, however, they are recommended based on brief reviews, and contain content that is the author's view and not necessarily the views of the leadership of CANDACE or FACC.
Courage doesn't stem from our own resources. It comes from God, and shines its brightest when we recognize our utter dependence on him. Women of Courage gives us twelve role models whose courageous qualities we can emulate. They come from different cultures and walks of life, face different challenges, and live in times extending from ages past right up to today. But all of them possess one thing in common: uncommon courage. From Hagar, whose faith led to the realization of a divine promise, to Rosa Parks, whose humble determination shaped the course of modern civil rights history, the inner fortitude to fulfill God's purposes is boldly displayed by the women in this book. Author Debra Evans describes key moments in their lives and the lessons they contain, revealing character traits that can strengthen us in our own times of testing. As you read, you will discover a kinship with the women in this book. Their examples will inspire you, convict you, refresh your focus, and encourage you that by God's grace, you, too, can courageously fulfill God's intent for your life. – from the back cover summary
The Courage to Be Real by Miriam Butler Conrad
Publisher's Note:
The Courage to Be Real offers resolution for the painful situation of many women who fear God's disapproval and reject themselves. In all their relationships, they hide their real selves behind masks of put-on attitudes thus missing out on the inner security that is available to them in Christ. After analyzing this condition with humor and penetrating observation, Miriam Conrad presents a strategy to help the reader shed facades and approach her relationship with God and others in integrity and truth.
Courageous Faith Through the Year by Bill Hybels

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